Thursday, May 22, 2008


This morning the SF skyline was beautiful, gorgeous, and amazing.

Today's Intern: the beautiful and talented Miss Katie

Hometown pride talk. Woody mentions that sometimes people have a blind pride of their hometown. Ravey claims that for her it seems that absence makes the heart grow fonder. To a certain extent I guess you could say that there are certain things I miss about Fremont... I enjoy knowing that place like the back of my hand. Certain places hold good memories and are one of a kind places where you can only get something special, etc. But if it were to randomly fall off the map, I'm pretty sure I could move on and not want to slit my wrists. Frankly.

Emails RE: dead issue. deleted upon request.

News & Sports:
>Airlines and their stupid fees...
>Bush bars genetic discrimination act.
>Slore story: Sex & the City fan or something?
>SF first city to pass rule fine businesses for contribution to global warming. So businesses will be charged $0.044 per ton of carbon waste they emit into the air.
>What? Someone passed away? SF news anchor... ? Fox? WHAT? A deep voice?

>Marlins in the NEEEEEEWS.
>Lakers' game 1. Kobe.
>Dolphins & Jason Taylor. Guess he's not coming back... ?

Girls Gone Gross:
Girls Gone Wild meets the world of chick farts and burps! Yummm.
Seymour Bucks is on the phone with us, owner and CEO of Girls Gone Gross. Hot chicks that aren't shy about breaking wind, some up and coming actresses. Uh, CBS IT department has a block on that site, so this is the next best thing that I found on YouTube... I did not get the email address but it could be:

Sexy Time Fun Facts
Who's the biggest slut or man-whore that you know?
*My friend - Chad
*Linda - Laticia, was hoin' it up online in love chats
*lots of ended up in the hospital stories. and dirty genitals stories.

*May is National Masturbation Month
Nina Hartley

8 Myths about sex
  1. No hymen = not a virgin. False.
  2. Men are more visually stimulated then women. Not true.
  3. Only women can have multiple orgasms. Men CAN but they have to train themselves to delay the deed.
  4. Being uncircumsized is less hygenic.
  5. A woman must be in love in order to orgasm. They need a symetrical man... lol
  6. Men don't have sensitive nipples.
  7. A woman must have an orgasm in order to conceive.
  8. A guy's junk is sensitive so handle with care. Not true, it's actually pretty resiliant.

Retards in the News:
>Blaring Mariah Carrie music. Totally missed this part :( VIP Calls.

Music & Entertainment:
>Racontours is going to the Treasure Island music festival thing. I'm glad I'm not getting paid for the blog. This blog gets and F for today. Me so sorry. :(

Katie True of False:
*Is Republican and hates whiney Liberals - True
*You think you're hotter than most girls - False
*Stolen something - True! blinking SpongeBob doodad.
*Something in your sexual past you're ashamed of - True
*Has blamed someone else for your fart - True
*You want to have sex with Greg Gory - Which leads into Woody grilling Katie, then Vanessa about the final question.

Grade Today's Show: 69.7% A

Today's Just the Headline: "Grandmother of 8 makes a hole in 1."


Gonzo Teacher said...

I originally became interested in the show because of the Greg Gory Hate Mail segment, which is hilarious. Although I don't share all of his political beliefs, I do think they are a breath of "fresh air" for the Bay Area. On the whole, I appreciate the humor you all employ to blunt the sharper edges of life.

Over time, however, I have noticed that Greg and Woody dominate the political conversations. Why is it that Ravey, Tony, and Menace sit there mute while Greg and Woody speak their minds so freely and vehemently? Are the others afraid to weigh in for fear of losing their jobs? What's going on?

As this is an election year, I would be interested in knowing who Ravey, Tony, and Menace are supporting for president.



Woody Show said...

Tony and Ravey don't follow (and couldn't care less) about politics. Greg and Woody are the ones who follow politics.

This is our life said...

Gosh...I hope the whole HMB thing is put to rest! I can't stand listening to those kids call in to defend their city.