Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco de Mayo '08

Be sure to make your way to Tres Gringos in San Jose to drink with us in celebration of Mexico's freedom from France and the Mexican traitors. I know! It's not their independence from Spain or America. Check it. Margaritas for EVERYONE! Yay.
83 S 2nd StSan Jose
CA 95113
(408) 278-9888

Today's Intern: Webcam Sam

Weekend Recap ~ Exciting things we did this weekend. Nothing really. We are introduced to Ravey's Menace Sock-puppet, which is adorable and AWESOME! Woody describes his journey with Tony and why he A) is not a big fan of the building's security people and B) how he was scared by the sock puppet that Beth and Tony created.

*Greg Gory ~ Helen of Brisbane, is plastered and wishes Greg was there.
*Oil Tanker ~ Rock 105.3 (sister station) you guys are "bitchin'" he's been out there for 3 months? Cripes.
*Tree house ~ feedback on Woody's confession of burning down the neighborhood's rich kid's tree house... Applauding the show for everyone opening up and revealing their true colors from time to time. Thanks, Scott.
*Randy ~ how he imagines the folks on WTR to look like. Intersting.
*More interesting picture commentary of the people on the show.
~Lamont (of Lamont and Tonelli) Hollywood's real name is: Todd Fryfogle. Paul Tonelli~
*Girl wrote in about her new beau and how they have not yet done the dirty. They're watching a movie together at her apartment, and they start to head to home run, but her neighbors start to go at it loudly and "throw a wrench in" whatever it was they had going. HOW does this dude get turned off by others making animal sounds.

Offspring: New song Hammerhead you heard it first here. 'Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace' being released June 17. They will be in here Wednesday morning to be interviewed on the show. Caller compares this song to a Motorhead tribute band, even though he's not "hating" on it.

News & Sports:

>Barack and Clinton Week: hour long appearances on rival networks.
>Indiana great ideas - Tony Zirkle 38 year old lawyer wants to draft dead-beat dads, uniting on anti-semitism. "Jews are responsible for all porno and prostitutions." Black men are porno stars, bring back racial segregation. Way to go, psycho.
>A teenager gives birth and then goes to hospital - Was in the shower and gave birth to a baby boy. She then walked 4 blocks to the hopsital with the baby was still attached by its umbilicle chord. The mother's name is Xochitl pronounced SOE-chee. (I think? Thanks for all the calls!)
>Machine attacked a man in Florida. He called 911 with his toes since his arms were caught in the machine. Wow, a cell phone that got a signal!
>Microsoft something. Yahoo stock - yuck. Go Google!
>Lori & Chris Coble lost 3 kids in an car accident a year ago. They just had triplets and they are doing well! Weird.

>Sharks LOST Boooooooo!!
>A's got 1 win.
>Eight Belles was euthanized on the track after she broke both her front ankles. She was the only female on the track and she came in second. Hilary Clinton bet on 8Bells, but she obviously didn't win. Big Brown won.

Dumbass Contest (2 winners)
Mexican or Puerto Rican?
Winners won: Infineon Raceway Kawasaki AmA Tickets

Happy Happy Story! [Cue happy music]
Phoenix, AZ ~ an 8 year old boy was killed by falling on a goal post at a field at YMCA. What?!

Music & Entertainment:
>Iron Man = HUGE at the box office. Tony liked daht, 100 hats to them.
>Pearl Jam is in studio!
>Metallica intends tp release a new album in September and a tour near after.
>Snipes not ready to go to jail.
>Uma's insane stalker... A man on trial for stalking Uma put himself on the stand to explain that he was attempting to contact Uma so she had the opportunity to meet him and for him to meet her. He told her family that he would kill himself if he didn't meet her. It comes as no surprise that he was a former mental patient.

Wheel of Stabbing Stories + Drinking Stories
*Threats of beating up someone after their beer supply ran out! This went down at a homeless shelter. Excellent.
London - a man was stabbed whilst waiting in line to buy Grand
Theft Auto IV. He planned to do a revenge stabbing after he was attacked.
*Tennessee - 2 guys walking to get gas for their stalled car. Both men ended up in jail, one with minor stab wounds from a pocket knife.
*After stiffing a cab driver and staying out past curfew, a 15 year old passenger slashes the cabby's throat in Minneapolis.
*Guam - Jay Walker was kickin' it with his dad drinking one afternoon. They get to the last can of beer and Jay wanted to fight for it because he ends up whipping out a machete to "win" the last can of beer.
*Albaqurque NM - a woman accused of chasing her BF with a knife after thinking her BF was in a porno they were watching. Of course, it ened up not even being him in the film.

Crazy drinking stories: Yup. They sure were crazy. Check out for more juicey details!
*Someone's friend was a bouncer - the night came to an end they get wasted. Then they go inside and his buddy sleeps on the couch. He has a big burly black roommate, and the buddy ont he couch dreams about all these girls. He kinda wakes up to find that it's the big burly guy on him. Oral. EW.
*Morning-After a black-out Saturday night. She did the walk of shame in front of a church that was moving locations. Mortified to walk in frond everyone at the house of God. I hate walk of shame.
*Was wasted on the beach this weekend - drove his lifted Chevy straight into the ocean. Wasn't paying attention and high tide came in!! He can't make it to Cinco de Mayo at Tres Gringos with us 'cuz his car is in the shop.
*Sent in from Sketchy (who sent me awesome Japanese tea): ok so 21st bday starting at my buddies bar. Drink about 15 beers, goto starbucks to get some coffee to prolong the night, get in a fight with two brothers ended quick, then went to another bar got kicked out of there for drinking straight from the tap, break into an abandoned movie theater somehow and pass out in the isles. Next story: get in a fight with my neighbor over something i dont remember (drunk obviously) then proceed to got the gas station and buy 10 gallons of gas take all the stuff in his yard throw it in the pool and light the M'r F'r on fire. Another story: rented a car in TJ which got trashed in passenger seat (car was convertable le baron) hit a cow at about 80, decapitated cow, head landed in the back seat next to a friend he woke up to a cow head laying next to him, somehow we were still alive. Ew!

> A NYC police horse throw his officer off and wanders back to his stables. They were 8 blocks away from the stables, his home.
>Parents left their child in their car for 2 hours while they attended the kentucky derby. Yay.

Crap on Celebrities:
>Ugly Betty's getting Britney Spears. Boooo. Who cares?
>Lindsey Lohan's mug shot: some kind of Ad Campaign
>Pam Anderson has an estate sale that ends up moving over to a Malibu HS campus. Whatever.
>Lisa Presley is upset about a comment made by a UK gossip mag about her eating habits that forced an early public statement of her pregnancy. Whatever, she's not going to get any money out of it just an apology, as the magazine publicly apologized for their hurtful comments comparing her eating (as a pregnant woman) to her late father, Elvis "the King."

Celebrity Birthdays
Chris Brown - Brooke Hogan - Tina Yothers - Brian Williams - Kurt Loder - Anne B. Davis (Alice of The Brady Bunch)

Porno Birthdays
Brooke Assley. Eggsellent!
Madden has REM Tickets. Why does the Bay Area suck at winning tickets?! Madden will tell you.

Grade Today's Show: 25.8% A / and technically we earned an F

Today's Just the Headline: "Cinco de Mayo rescheduled for May 2nd."

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