Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Little competition never hurt anybody

Bah. I walk slow when Jeremy is here...

Today's Intern: Jeremy

Menace dreams of Dennis Richmond... Man cuddle puddle. The show has been nominated for the SF something something. They need a photo of the crew. Lalala.

$1 box of moon pies = weapon in battery against elderly homeless man. Snakes... animal cruelty. A pet python was nailed to a telephone poll with 6 nails left to die in Massholechusettes.

Traffic & Weather:
I'm just kidding. I love it when Greg does traffic + weather. Saw a CRAZY accident by Battery & Market yesterday. Fire hydrant was spraying, a bumper fell off, and another car was flipped all the way on its roof. :-O

*Greg's Freakout Video - Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper funny. Check it out!! HILARIOUS, animated by Chris Julian. Greg has a short fuse and it is priceless. Writer suggests: try Weights and Measures.
*Office Max deserves some hate - love, another F'ing Office Max employee.
*2008 Live 105 500 countdown be on the air for about a month?
*England's Century FM station is having a competition "Where in the World" station hides tickets around the world. Tickets have been located at the Live 105 station attached to a piece of DJ equipment. Interesting!
*Re: Surfer Spud - a walk down memory lane... is Spud an EXEC?!??! Challenged and questioned by Daryl.
*Global HEAT - I am a chick. I am young. And I am hot - I think global warming is bogus!

Text Poll (hot chicks only - Yes, No, Don't Care) Does man have a direct effect on the global warming?
50% 50%

News & Sports
>Santa Cruz fires 80% contained. YAY! Smoldering brush fire
>China's being nice. 1.3 billion ppl. CHINA, YOU ARE OVERPOPULATED. REFRAIN FROM HAVING 18 BABIES. Amnesty?
>NASA is totally affordable. Space travel - generates $156Billion. Toilet's fan in space stopped working (Menace: "Turd Chopper") and is a big problem. To fix it, tracking down spare parts, fly it out to Discovery space shuttle. When the toilet reaches capacity, they'll have to seal their caca and peepee in plastic bags.

>Baseball News!
>Tiger Woods - had knee surgery!

Problem with the transmitter today ~ watch it on Justin-dot-tv. Sweet. Signal Strike! San Jose cannot hear us.

Dumb Ass Contest (1 winner)
Impossible Trivia - how many kernels does the average ear of corn contain? 800 kernels. 16 rows.
Winner won: HULK!!

Happy happy story!
16 year old. Stripped of her flesh. And he flushed down the toilet. Dumped the rest at butcher markets, placed among meat. weighed down her limbs with rocks and sank it off a bridge. Prostitute. Charged with murder.

Pointless Listener Poll: Lies You told your Kids, or Were told Growing up.
Why do we lie to children in the first place? Protection and to get them to not do certain things. Identity. Sex. As an amusement for adults. To get children to Listen. Ravey brings up the "Why?" phase.
  • Swallowing watermelon seeds will grow a watermelon in their stomach
  • Babies are shipped from Kmart
  • Keep making that face and it was get stuck in that position
  • Moon is made of cheese
  • Teaching them the wrong children.
  • Turn your voice box off (to curb kids from swearing)
  • The bumps in the road are turtles sleeping and when she misbehaved in the car he'd run them over.
  • Don't make fun of retarded ppl or you will become retarded
  • Masturbate = blind
  • Santa Clause -
  • Tooth Fairy didn't come because she was on vacation
  • Easter Bunny -
  • if you don't wash your privates reall well, they'll fall off
  • Watch TV in the dark - bad eyes
  • Mtn Dew reduces sperm count
  • Threats if death to get things done... lol

News Break: SF Weekly ~ Best of SF '08. First thing is People and Places. Front page "Best morning radio and crew = Sarah and Noname." The article inside "Best morning crew = The Woody Show." LOL. Confused? Newspaper BLOOPER? Hahahaha. Readers poll... vs the newspaper's pick? Do'h.

Music & Entertainment
>Missed it. Does Alice qualify for this segment as filler?

Who knew?
*Ravey DID!! Top paying hourly rated jobs. Panhandling vs Construction.
*Sometimes flight attendants have to deal with nasty thingies in airplanes. Dirty diapers. People who had sex in their chairs.

Gott Game w/ Steve Masters
Nerd Luv!! ^_^ email him with your RELEASE DATE questions, and other things.

Grade Today's Show:
96.8% A

Today's Just the Headline: "Swat team mistakes Lara Croft for crazed gunman."


lithium said...
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coneyisland said...

dude this was like the best woody show ever! alice got hella served! that was sooo funny to hear they shut off like 20 minutes early...go woody show crew! way to go! suck it!

Joe said...

This was an epic show - to bad the suits shut it down. >:O