Friday, May 2, 2008

Sweet Jesus

Eating Chinese food for breakfast. Hoot.

Today's Intern:

*Fine China and the Vagina ~ Images of female organs on fine diningware... Cripes, this is really special. Insert multiple clever tasteless "eating-out" jokes here.
*John McCain in the news for allegedly called his wife a "C-" word.
*Airlines are adding time to in-air time, so flights are slowing down. Altitude assignment ATC is an advisor the pilot has the final say of the aircraft's altitude.

Who Knew?
  • A recent study conducted by the Centers for Diease Control and Prevention discovered that 99,000 people die annually from contracting a disease at the hospital when they're there to be treated.
  • Scientists in australia, apple won't turn brown when exposed to oxygen. leave it out for hours!!
  • Study found that 58% of black children & 56% of hispanic children cannot swim
  • Common Household Bacteria: your computer keyboard! About 1 in 10 people do not clean their keyboard & about 1 in 5 people do not clean their mouse. These items are X times dirtier than a toilet seat.
*Mark in London!! Emails his love for us. And we cap on poor sweet British Mark because in the UK they only have Channel One and BBC something or other. But still, we love Mark cuz he loves us. Thanks, mate! (Yeah, that's Big Ben. I'm doing a Fantastic job, what are you talking about?)
*Clayton writes to the Bone to say farewell to Lamont & Tonelli for becoming stale, boring, and tired. He explains that he will no longer be listening to the Bone for his morning show entertainment, and will rather Lamont Hollywood replies with a, "I'm happy to lose you, Clate. They need one listener." Cracks us up, since according to the freshly released quarterly ratings, they could use an extra listener or two... Pfffft.
*Tony Creeper Email (Re: the Katie saga yesterday) HR heads up and legal department. Just being forewarned... People are STILL creeped out by that whole fiasco, if you will.
*WIKIPEDIA: Baron, at Boston College, has added us to wikipedia so we have a page now. Sweet and thank you! ^_^

News & Entertainment:

>Vallejo 'DC Madam' did not want to be arrested to the point that she hanged herself in a shed and left behind at least two suicide notes.
>13 kids go the extra mile to score their friend a date for prom. They dropped their pants to expose a message spelled out on their butt cheeks. Something to the effect of "Will you go to prom with me?" Awwww. Who doesn't enjoy or adore letters on butt cheeks?
>Principal tries to control public displays of affection at a high school in Memphis by listing couples he was aware of publicly. On the list was a couple of two boys who had not yet 'come out' on their own accord. Yes, the list was truthful, but the boys experienced immediate difficulty as a result of being outted by the school principal. It must be a cold day in hell, 'cuz Greg actually agrees with something the ACLU has stated.
>An 18 year old boy was reported missing by his frantic mother. He turned up in Santa Cruz Mountains high on mushrooms and acid. After a $10,000 search his father reports that he'll proabably be punishing his son with no car for a while. High five.
>A man in Texas was charged with fruad of a $360 billion check. He claimed that his girl friend's monther gave him the check to help him start a record business. The woman denied the statement and claimed he had no right to any of her checks. He was charged with fruad, carrying a weapon, and marijuana.
>Sex Seminar at Univ Wisconsin was CANCELLED as the school did not want any sex merchandise sold on campus. The seminar was supposed to feature a women's sexual reproductive education - blah blah blah. Woody reminds us that his friend at Brown University attended a fisting class.

Pointless Listener Poll:
Is the Principal in the wrong for posting this list?
87.7% Yes, he did a no-no
12.3% No, he did the right thing

>A's scored 30 runs against the Angels. They still lost.
>NHL: Sharks, Rangers
>NBA Playoffs detroit eliminated philly
>Jose Canseco. What?
>$58 Million...

Dumb Ass Contest
(1 winner)
Rock band, Race horse, or Porno movie?
Winner won: T-shirt
*Cashew Weiner on EBay. Yum Yum. I got confused from hearing part of the story and answering phones, this whole time I was looking up a penis shaped cashew. Oops, can't look up a cashew shaped penis. Imagination time...
*CACA Story: A 130 million year old doodie sold for $1000 to a man in Ohio. Sweet, dude. Poop is wonderful.

Today's Guest! Greg Proops
Who will be at the Punch Line
Friday May 2 and Saturday May 3
Show times for both dates: 8pm & 10pm
He will be performing with Joe Klocek and Nick Santos.
444 Battery Street
San Francisco, CA 94111

Exciting stuff from Greg Proops - what's new and wonderful? He's been on Bob the Builder. He IS Bob the Builder. Doy. Discussions of Facebook, Twitter, etc etc etc Texting, AIM. Blah. Here's a YouTube song about Facebook advised by a caller.

White Gangsters: Wiggas - What is UP with this movement?
*Icy Hot Stuntaz
*Wanna-be Gotti Wanna-bes
*Solja Boy - Calvary Kids cover of Solja Boy's Superman song - both versions, frankly, make me want to pour hot motor oil down my ear holes. *tear*
*Scraper Bike - music video that a caller thought was funny
*The grills and bling that are making today's youth run themselves into WAAAAY debt!
The Story: 7 year old boy in Florida steals a car and ran over two mail boxes, hit to running cars near WalMart: The reporter wanted to know if the little boy knew he could have killed somebody and his reply was, "Yes, but it's fun to do bad things. I wanted to do hood rat stuff with mah friends."
~Parenting: race & discipline conversation (again)~
Florida 18 year old was arrested for forcing his gramma to be in his Gangsta Video. A Gangsta Video is a home made video where people act hard and wave guns, or shoot them, and whatever. "Represent" and the DVD featured his grandmother wearing a ski mask waving around a .22 gun saying lines like "insert gangsta wors here."

News & Entertainment:

>Iron Man comes out today. Some ppl were lucky enough to see it already. Sweet. *shrug* They all seem to have Loved it!
>Sex in the City Movie comes out on May 30th. Followed by Indiana Jones XXXIIIVVV (j/k). So Sarah Jessica Parker and Harrison Ford are the male and female actors the public is most excited to see this summer (respectively). Getting it?
>BATMAN!!!! with dearly beloved recently departed, Heathy :( For you readers out there, my FAVORITE superhero of ALL time hands down is Mr. Bruce "Batman" Wayne.
>Oh noe's! Speed Racer isn't getting a big following. Ugh. Too bad, the original cartoon was better anyway.
>Hell Boy II comes out this summer. Another sexy comic turned movie that I thoroughly enjoy(ed) and plan on enjoying again!

Jan Wahl, Hat Lady and Movie Reviewer Extraordinaire!
*Iron Man - Robert Downey Jr. FTW ... somewhat underwritten to the non-comic book fan. She said it was a good casting call. Thanks for the calls - Tony was thinking "Warmachine." Qualifying topic for nerdeliciousness. How many Hats you ask? I missed it... 3 or 4 i think...
*Jan also saw and reviewed a second movie for today's segment, but the IronHeads kept the phone lines tied for a second, this is NOT HATE you nerds, just being honest and rationalizing. And Then She Found Me -
*Barf on Maid of Honor looks so DUMB and Lamez0r
*Wal-E looks ADORABLE
*Least interesting movie coming out according to a poll: Speed Racer looks RETARDED! lol

Crap on Celebrities
>Angelina Jolie's no-no video leaked!! Lol video of her doing heroin and "it's not that cheap crap" as she states in the video. I personally don't think this is going to F her career. Because it's not a
>Dennis Rodman arrested for suspicion of domestic violence. Surprised? Don't be.
>Jason Biggs got married.
>Mariah Carrie - Nick Cannon gave her a whatever HUGE 17 carrat $2.5 million ring, bling bling. They're on the fritz to break up?

Celebrity Birthdays
* Six from Blossom (Jenna von Oi) is 31 * David Beckham 33 * the Rock * Lance Bass * Mike Dirnt is 36 *
Porno Birthdays
Rocco Italian porn God - 44
Celeste porno prostitute - 36

Official Woody Weekly Friday Song:
3.1% Ravey's Song - Anti-Flag (wha~? punk!?) 'Bright Lights of America'
Menace's Song - Luniz 'I got 5 On It' is this week's winner (White Menace FTW)
9.1% Greg's Song - Ministry (cover of bob dylan) 'Lay, Lady, Lay'
5.9% Tony's Song - Busta Rhymes 'Put Some Water on Them, Don't Touch Me'
33.9% Woody's Song - Bon Jovi (reppin' NJ) 'Livin' on a prayer'

Friday Pluggs:
Tony - going to, uh, some theater to see Iron Man
Greg - goes to Lafyette - Live 105 Hummer
Menace - off to Rubio's for some fish taco's
Ravey - at Bay Meadow's kentucky durby in Berkeley
Woody - high in the sky, SFO to STL

Grade Today's Show: 0% A


Woody Tony Ravey Greg Menace Vanessa said...

oh it's ok. i'll just comment on this myself!

Anonymous said...

i tried to comment the other day when i was at work but the work compooper sucks.

anyway i was gonna say this blog made my friday. where else has bob the builder,angelina on heroin,jose conseco, and plates with vaginas all in one post?

Woody Tony Ravey Greg Menace Vanessa said...