Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Woody Wednesday

Starbucks breakfast of champs this morning FTW! I am adding pounds of sugar to my venti ice drip with hazelnut and half&half.

Today's Intern:
Jeremy (Piven) Who keeps coming up today. I love Ari (even though Entourage strikes me as gay).

Yipes. A gas strike? Ideally it's a grand idea, but realistically it wouldn't be practical or effective. A pastor and his choir intend to use prayer to lower gas prices. Rudy Giuliani criticized by catholic cardinal or NY while the pope was in town because Giuliani supports abortion. Therefore, Giuliani cannot receive communion. Really?

Where does the money GO when we pay for a gallon of gas? [Insert Woody's stats]

OH MY GOD: the McCain Topic joins 'Men Pissing Sitting Down' on my list of stupid crap that ppl call in about.

So Bay Area Story:
Strausburg, Pennsylvania - Labeling others in Middle School (that never happens). Hippie McKenzie is taking a stance against labels and the categorization of society by wearing a white belt with signatures of others her age who support her opionion that labelism is wrong. WHAT?! It's human nature to label things! We all need to belong in some group. Sheesh, get a grip. The best part is she had 105 signatures and 5 ppl requested she take their signature off, because they realized that it was pointless and do not want to support her stance any longer. Yes!

New Coldplay - sounds like, um, well Coldplay.

News & Sports:
>Barack cannot ignore Reverend Wright anymore. Wright is condeming Obama, claiming his reaction to Wright is only to get votes. Reverend Wright is considered a serious threat to the entire campaign.
>DNA testing: released after 27 yrs in prison for a crime he didn't commit.
>New British survey report that people today are ruder than before. Swearing and spitting are the most offensive, and cutting in public lines are also common offensive behaviours of society. Hee-hee, bad parenting jokes.
>South Carolina student arrested a while back for wanting to blow up his school: has been removed from his county jail because he is a suicide threat. He has said how he wanted to die just to go to heaven to KILL JESUS. Who says that? That's awesome.
>Ooooo Stereotypes.
Greg's Chicken & Black Woman story: a woman ordered a chicken Ceasar salad for the first time EVAR- upon receiving said salad, she demanded the waiter bring "some for REALS lettuce. And put some chickens on it. Shooooooooe."

>Bay Area Teams LOST :(
>Stanley Cup Playoffs
>Sharks, but the Rangers and the Avalanches are down by three.
>Baseball stuff. More thingies!!

*Dumb BF writes in about his concerns of his potential kids, his GF, and their future. Complaining about his GF after he raves about how wonderful she is... ugh barf.

Pointless Listener Poll:
Why and how did you last break up? (AOL poll)
*Text - he was wasting her time
*Phone & on Facebook - it wasn't working out
*Face to face - she was too needy
*Myspace Bulletin - Posessive BF freaking out
*Face to face - fell out of love
*Uh one guy's XGF ended up dating Angelina Jolie's brother and was engaged. But they broke it off when he texted her out of the blue.
*Phone call - her husband left her for another woman while she was at work and emptied out their house.

Music & Entertainment:
>NIN hoping to help out true fans: limited number of Best Available Seating. This is to beat out scalpers since the tickets will be able to be picked up at the Box Office on the day of the show.
>Radiohead blah blah blah. Edging the music industry.
>American Idol ratings are down this year: (really? only this year?) Fox sent out a survey to find out what viewers want.
>The Price is Right - Greg and Menace aren't fans of Drew Carrey. Plinko, what? I hate the Price is Right. I hate lots of things...
Monday: Cinco de Mayo 5/5/08
We're doing a Twofer 3-7 pm live broadcast at
Tres Gringos, Baja Cantina
83 South 2nd Street
Down Town San Jose

Dumb Ass Contest (2 winners)
Will it Flush?! Six (6) bags of tea.
Winner won: STP tickets & a Woody T-shirt

Steve Masters - Gott Game
GTA IV came out Yesterday!!
*Servers are down for online play of GTA IV. When will they be back up? Should be up soon.
*Is the Xbox vibrate purposely a "weak" setting? Or is there something wrong with my controller? Perhaps it's a setting.

Grade Today's Show:
X% A

Today's Just the Headline:
"Penis theft hits Capital Hill."

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