Friday, April 18, 2008

Free Porno Friday!

Buenos Dias! Nothing new and exciting to report on my end. Battled a cold that the boyfriend seems to be suffering from with Xicam and sleep. Woke up feelin' fine after watching Cloverfield and passing out at 9:00 pm. Thank you, that makes 3 consecutive days.

Today's Intern: Andrea

Apparently lots of people feel like this week flew by! I'm just sleepy.
Radio Politics... GAH & Bwahahaha. The ratings conversation, morning show design and how we don't set-up fake calls... Most common example: a morning show calls a alleged listener's wife as a "birthday prank" saying he's been fired from his job. Her reaction is irate and she announces that she's glad she slept with her husband's brother. Yeah, right. THIS HAS BEEN ON MORNING SHOWS ACROSS AMERICA. Wake up. Which brings us to the billion calls begging us to stoppit. When all we're doing is asking the audience to stoppit. Stop asking us to do crap instead of what it is we do. (sorry?)

It is Free Pr0n Friday!! Woody's getting rid of some his excess porn.

The new spin on porn - porn for the blind, with a narrator. Interesting. I like how Tony said, "Cuz doesn't masturbation make you go blind?" This blind porn is FREE online. 8th Street Latina's. Wow, I would love to post the transcribed script of this right here: __________. This is hilarious because it's not as "hot" as I thought it would be, since we don't HEAR the porn stars. We hear a politically correct narrator explain the actual act...

Hot Teen News:
>Columbus, OH - Naked Text Messaging!! Remember playing "cootie catcher" and "MASH?" This is basically kid porn among kids as early as MIDDLE SCHOOL (13 year-olds). This is why kids are having kids. Ridiculous. Whatever happened to copping a feel after school, finger banging, and first time blow jobs? Do phones/internet really have to do anything with this?
>There was another story, and I do my best to multi-task, but I got 6 calls about cootie catchers, so. You can kiss that good bye!

Bag of Porn!
(1 winner Iron Man)
Placing bets of timing: How long will it take for someone to grab a bag of porn left on a street corner.
8:15 - 8:24 it was 9 minutes!
3 minutes - Chad
6 minutes - Steven
18 minutes - Jeremy
20 minutes - Cecil
6 & 10 seconds minutes - Danny
25 minutes - Jackie
Not by end of show - Pablo

Roz G: Comedian is in the house! Last Comic Standing winner arrived to witness the grabbing of the bag o' porn. Yay. She's a the PunchLine tonight. Here are the details for her show at le Punch Line:
Roz G w/ Louis Katz, Moshe Kasher
Friday & Saturday April 18 &19, 2008
Doors: 7:00 pm Show: 8:00 pm
444 Battery Street
San Francisco, CA 94111

News & Sports:
>5.4 earthquake in Illinois strongest ever recorded in Midwest. No injuries, but shook Chicago sky scrapers. Bush's Earthquake Button
>Uh erm um... Shipping a 9 story carnival ride? Whaaaa~?
>Phones. I tuned out. More fail, next week. I promise.

>ChiChu... What is a Chichu?
>Sharks uhhh... play hockey?
>Dallas has a lead. No idea.
>Boston v Montreal
>Blah blah series. OMG! RAVEY SLOW IT DOWN or hand me your sports report paper. This is another foreign language to me. Sorry sports fanatics.
Caller>> RE: 22 inning game. 2 HS in Japan played 2 innings with 1 out and 66 runs. "Yahoo news. check it out!" Why don't ppl just call in and speak Russian at me? Seriously.

Music & Entertainment:
>Dave Grohl mentions that he loved working at Tower Records. Tower is now a dead record store (yeah, there are a few ones here and there... but DONE).
>David Hasselhoff got screwed in the divorce. Bitches!!
>Naomi Campbell is banned from British Airways. And she's "boycotting them." Lol, WHAT? No, they boycotted YOU FIRST, Dummy.

Hate Mail / Hate Stuff
>Hating on famous kids...? Angry mother emailed.
>Kareem Abdul Jabar: Horton Hear's a Who... 96 cheerful daughters, and 1 brooding son paints a clear picture of SEXISM. Caller/Webcam Chatter mentions that Cat in the Hat is an anti-racist commentary - male & female are white, the Cat is a tall black persuasive male, and the fish is German and his name spells out "KKK."

Jan Wahl Hat Lady & Movie Reviewer:
4 possible hats
Mentioned Flesh Gordon is her favorite Porno, caller agrees that it is "hilarious." I don't know about you, but I'll be watching that this weekend.
*Forbidden Kingdom with Jackie Chan + Jet Li
3 Hats (Not her favorite but the cinematography was "beautiful")
*Forgetting Sarah Marshall with Mila Kunis and Jason Segal (sp?)
2 Hats (We discuss on-screen penis) Yum?

Concert Shout Out
Thriving Ivory playing tonight @ Great American Music Hall 8:30pm

Grade Today's Show: 93.6% A

Today's Just Headline: "Police begin to run down J-walkers."


Joe said...

Wow you do post these fast! Good Job.

This is our life said...

No...I think this week DRAGGGGED! Does Woody have any more free tapes? They should have been prizes for the dumb ass contests! My husband & I would take some free porn over a video game or free concert tickets ANY DAY!! WORD!

coneyisland said...

"creepers"!!! new word for the day...haha...good to see crime is not running rampant in SF...they should have porn for dumbass contest prizes...that'd be freakin' hilarious! on a side note...Go Sharks! they rule!

OEY said...

Dear Live105,
My name is Steven and I live in Richmond, CA. Over the weekend I have just got scammed out of $400 for Coachella tickets over craigslist and now i'm broke and coachella ticketless...
is there anyway live can help me out?!